
Product Series

The company adheres to the strategic direction of "taking science and technology as the root and service as the first", has adhered to the spirit of "ingenuity" for more than 20 years, vigorously developed super hard composite material technology, produced six series and dozens of varieties of diamond composite sheet, and basically met the demand of oilfield exploitation market for different structural strata.

施秉县| 鄂托克前旗| 克东县| 垣曲县| 环江| 新河县| 沙河市| 孝义市| 文山县| 龙海市| 兰州市| 绍兴县| 威海市| 广水市| 濮阳县| 秦安县| 谢通门县| 隆化县| 油尖旺区| 凌海市| 广西| 镇康县| 祁门县| 交城县| 天长市| 五华县| 女性| 闵行区| 高青县| 惠东县| 武鸣县| 舟曲县| 砀山县| 新安县| 敖汉旗| 台北市| 新竹市| 长沙市| 景洪市| 宁强县| 荃湾区|