


          Juxin has accumulated over 20 years in the field of ultra-hard materials and ultra-hard materials products, actively absorbed international advanced technologies, vigorously invested in scientific and technological R &D , obtained patent authorization for a number of achievements, and formed the core technology of independent intellectual property rights, laying a solid foundation for better breakthroughs.

辉县市| 民丰县| 抚松县| 大荔县| 延长县| 松潘县| 九江县| 麦盖提县| 东源县| 龙南县| 大冶市| 长治县| 铜川市| 乾安县| 南昌县| 濮阳市| 上栗县| 名山县| 孟津县| 柳州市| 慈溪市| 乐东| 新泰市| 安顺市| 太康县| 平安县| 鹰潭市| 临海市| 长沙市| 涞源县| 呼和浩特市| 嘉荫县| 紫金县| 洛川县| 靖安县| 苍梧县| 宁国市| 潼南县| 睢宁县| 井研县| 赫章县|